This list is a partial list of proposed Kingdom Projects. Projects related to new members of the Celestial Council community are assisted with development of humanitarian project needs for their First Nation, tribe, community, country or geography. All needs are considered.
Aloha ‘Aina Kingdom of Hawai’i Restoration – Initial Kingdom restoration steps. Then program to begin the Ho’oponopono Program world-wide offering peaceful resolution of issues, country governance counseling, cultural programs for culture restoration and profit center planning.
Rise of the Kingdom Global Implementation, Vol I – Implementation of global cooperation of all First Nations World-wide including a common political voice, legal support of indigenous issues, indigenous health treatment data bank, international indigenous independent banking system.
Rise of the Kingdom Village Implementation, Vol II – Implementation of ancient village concept but with modern application. Villages specialize in ancient methods as well as modern income-producing businesses run by the village. Uses green concepts for village construction.
Rise of the Kingdom Microbiome Implementation, Vol III – Implementation of the microbiome repair of the reef and the agricultural methods within The Kingdom of Hawai’i. Once complete, serves as a beta site for failing reefs globally. Showcases restoration of ancient farming methods and their ability to sustain the land. Phase I included under Rise of the Kingdom
Rise of the Kingdom Microbiome Global – Second Level – When the Beta Site is completed in the Islands, other reefs around the world will be opened up for repair.
Rise of the Kingdom Global Outreach – Phase II – Aloha ‘Aina outreach extends to all First Nation peoples. Models can be customized to fit the specific culture of that tribe or people. First Phase is 300 projects. These numbers reflect Phases II and III.
Aloha ‘Aina First Nation Social Programs – International resources for basic programs needed to supplement local culture. Includes education outside of the tribe for specific skills, cross-cultural exposure and learning as directed by elders, religious and spiritual education and the preservation of historical cultural information such as stories, methods, history, and more.
The Lost Children – Orphan program inside of China for 80,000,000 orphans living homeless. Uses Ghost Cities as well as veteran and homeless displaced individuals. caused by cultural and social issues, natural disasters, disease, abandonment. Run by Chinese for Chinese. Private program.
South American Orphan Resource Program – World-wide social reform program for handling orphans caused by cultural and social issues, natural disasters, disease, abandonment. 72,000,000 orphans. Follows model for The Lost Children in China.
Quisqueya Project – Economic Recovery for the Dominican Republic including infrastructure growth; power plants, energy cost correction and green energy, community rail system. All designed for simultaneous introduction and economic stimulus.
(NRSP) Rare Earths – New Rare Earths mine location without radioactive elements for safer mining and equalization of market world-wide.
(NRSP) Seed production and preservation – 64 strains of seed that are pre-Gluten issues and non-GMO. Production for world-wide distribution and repair.
(NRSP) Radiation Reduction – New technology which reduces radiation at an atomic level but with a practical approach. Beta test has been successful and now proceeds to large beta and full production. Beta site in Hawai’i.
First Nation Economic and Cultural Recovery Resources (Non-Profit) – This is an expansion of First Nation support in education, health, cultural restoration and recording, international data base and more.
YAAMA Global – Australia Aboriginal Project – Cultural and economic recovery for aboriginal of Australia. Similar to the Hawai’i program.
Australia Economic Recovery Project – Aboriginal people offering knowledge and opportunity, including new technologies, back to the non-aboriginal. Includes economic recovery for the country.
UONG Barge Water Project – Barge river filtration system to clean and delivery water along waterways. 20 units or 20 times the initial program for similar global locations.
AMAZZI Well Water Project – Beta site is 1,000 wells in areas that have expanded without municipal water systems. After beta site, 100 units, or additional locations of 1,000 wells each is included for global action.
Butuan Barangays Water Project – Rooftop cistern system with catchment linked to an internal filtration system working off gravity. No machine parts. Low maintenance. Beta site in Butuan, Philippines, then locations world-wide.
AASHA Cancer Treatment Clinic Project – Holistic Cancer Treatment Centers. Initial offering is to bring holistic alternatives.
ROSHANEE New Industry Pilot for Waste Project – Pilot for bringing new entrepreneur opportunities to India to solve the massive waste problem. Program funds and trains individuals to both collect waste and to build waste-to-energy power plant sites.
CLINBox Mini Clinic Project – Shipping crates turned into mini clinics which can be delivered to any location. Facilitates basic medical care in areas where it is dangerous to locate full hospital treatment. Run by a local team.
MEUS Implementation Security Services – Security to support third world humanitarian teams through The Kingdom of Hawai’i projects.
Santo Domingo Sewage System – A specific project to stop the waste water and raw sewage from dumping directly into the ocean for the city of Santo Domingo, the Dominican Republic. Includes advance request.
Great North American Pipeline – Addresses the tremendous water shortage in North America by bringing a pipeline from the Alaskan glaciers downhill to Nevada. Produces electrical generation along the entire path.
Environmental Recovery – Water Soil Air – Remediation of major pollution locations throughout the globe using new technologies exclusive to RER. Includes new near zero pollution catalytic converter technology and exclusive bioremediation without introducing foreign microbes. Locations show manufacturing areas for major remediation products in their prime location–next to naturally occurring materials. Distribution will be world-wide.
ENERGBOX and Fukushima Cleanup – ENERGBOXTM is a self contained alpha particle power generator which is one of the products produced at the Secure Development Hubs in this project. Production of the proprietary OSPARNTM which remediates spent nuclear rods into harmless dust is also produced at these centers.
Soldana Power Plant – Incorporates the proprietary OEPiTM technology to produce inexpensive energy without polluting. Involves community entrepreneur opportunities such as selling byproduct clean coal to villages, bringing fruit from the jungles to freeze dry and sell world-wide, free power to ovens to bake bread for local bakery sales. Provides schools and medical support for the community.
NOVUS Rejuvenation Clinics – Includes holistic centers caring for the mind as well as the body through Cord Stem Cell treatment, cell frequency treatment with holograms and other holistic methods obtained from the indigenous populations throughout the world. This is to address the disastrous results of Fukushima and the drift of radiation from that major event.
BON JOU Dominicana Restoration – Hurricane recovery program for the island country of Dominica. Complete infrastructure rebuild with hurricane and ocean rise planning in all developments. Includes town and college.
REVIV Helium 3 Energy Production – Breakthrough into Helium-3. Previously only thought to be found on the moon, this precious power source is available on the earth–if you know where to look. This project presents utilizing that source and creating energy production facilities for major impact world-wide.
WaterSoilAir – This funding includes two specific geographic environmental recovery projects on the scale of the tailings ponds from the tar sands in Alberta, Canada and the radiation contamination of land and water after Fukushima. It also includes specific capabilities promoted for solutions throughout the globe.
Inner Greatness Global – Inner Greatness Global has developed a new field called Inner Greatness Optimizing (IGO). IGO has two basic technologies that are producing unprecedented positive results in a range of applications in the fields of physical and mental/emotional health care. These two technologies are: • The Quantum Energy Optimizer• The Pure Awareness Techniques
Blue Flux Power, LLC – This is a unique “box” that can fit on any existing power plant and it increases output by approximately 40%. It captures the lost electricity in all systems when they lose power that can’t be pulled in fast enough. The system uses a patented form of relays.
S2J – Coal to Diesel while reducing/eliminating pollution
(NRSP) – Gold & Precious Metals Mining, Pilot Plant, 3T / Day
(NRSP) – Gold & Precious Metals Mining, Main Plant, 100T / Day
(NRSP) – Kaoline Mining
(NRSP)– Gold and Silver Mining
(NRSP) – Gold Mining
(NRSP) – Blue Opal Mining
(NRSP) – Opal Mining
(NRSP) – International prepaid Sim cards, offering lowest roaming charges, multiple IMSI’s
(NRSP) – Biofuel production in conjunction with local aboriginals
(NRSP) – Assisting start up companies with development, sourcing, production, marketing, sales, financing, etc. of healthy and environmental friendly products